Welcome to the website of Michiel Pluimers, practitioner of the Anat Baniel method Neuromovement in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
The Anat Baniel Method Neuromovement is a gentle touch and movement methodology that provides our brains with new information. The brain uses this information to change and improve our functioning. We are supposed to be ' better organized for action '.
The method was conceived by Anat Baniel and is also still known under her name as the Anat Baniel method or ABM.
The power of the method is based on the application of the ' 9 Essentials ' during the movement lessons. Because moving alone is not enough to achieve a real positive change in our functioning. If we move on to the autopilot, we will wear out our brain patterns of pain or limitation, as evidenced by research. On the other hand, if we keep our attention to what we feel while moving, we give our brains valuable information that is immediately committed to further growth and development. We call this first Essential Movement with attention to either move with consideration.
Slow (slow) movement is essential to learn something new, because we can only do something quickly as we can. It’s also very important to do a lot of variations (variation) in the way we perform a movement. With this and the other 6 Essentials, our brains get a super boost and we notice it in all areas: our physical performance is moving forward, we become smarter, more creative and more social! And the very best news is that there is no end to it: it is a continuous process of further growth and development.
With Neuromovement, we learn to exploit our limitless human potency!